

download files ЗАГРУЗИТЬ ФАЙЛЫ


Large Cab

  • High performance dashboard with 3 levels alarming monition system
  • Cab mounted on the front frame provides exceptional view to blade and front axle even during articulation
  • Large cab with 1.9m height and 30% larger space than most competitors, provides exceptional comfort

Cat ® Product Link&trade

  • Cat ® Product Link™ will support your business, and accurately convey information of the equipment to relevant personnel in a timely and effective manner for your better equipment management.

Control Layout

  • Short throw levers are efficiently spaced, allowing ease of multi-function control
  • Short lever travel (40mm) with low lever effort reduces operator fatigue

Front Frame

  • Flanged box section design removes welds from high stress areas, improving reliability and durability
  • Continuous top and bottom plate construction provides consistency and strength, improving front frame durability
  • Hydraulic hose routing minimizes exposure to damage and provides quick access for service
  • Maintenance-free bushings improve durability and reduce overall service cost


  • A-frame tubular design drawbar provides maximum strength and durability
  • Replaceable drawbar draft ball (bolted – not welded) for less service time and cost
  • Easy removal of wear shims to adjust drawbar

Hydraulic System

  • Proportional Priority Pressure Compensating (PPPC) Valves contain specifically cut spools for motor grader applications, continuously matching of hydraulic flow and pressure to power demands, allowing ease of multi-function control for optimizing working efficiency
  • World-class variable displacement piston pump, efficiently reduces power consumption and hydraulic system heat, improving fuel efficiency
  • Load-sensing hydraulic system provides consistent and precise blade movement, improving finishing performance
  • Inboard lock check valves within PPPC, prevents inadvertent cylinder movement and potential leaks

Blade Float

  • Standard blade float function allows blade to lower without hydraulic pressure for increased versatilityBlade float is engaged by pushing the left and right lift cylinder
  • controls all the way forward past the detent
  • Provides protection for machine and pavement during snow removal and snow plowing

Control System

  • 7 position link bar with electric over hydraulic control allows ease of operation from within the cab
  • Optimum blade reach capability, quick DCM re-positioning for greater reach for better working on high bank side slope
  • The link bar is essential for extending reach capability when cutting a bank slope or back slope of a ditch
  • Replaceable bushings reduce service time and cost

SEM Tandem Axle

  • Leveraging Caterpillar designing and experience on MG tandem axle
  • Improved bearing Layout and optimized load distribution with 4 planetary gears final drive
  • Less down time and reduced labor and service cost for maintenance and repairing
  • Longer service interval for lubrication oil change
  • Leading in class manufacturing and quality control level, mandatory  performance testing before delivering to MG assembly line




Рабочая масса и габариты

Эксплуатационная масса с ROPS/FOPS, передним, средним отвалом и рыхлителем

17580 +-3% кг

Габариты с передним, средним отвалом и рыхлителем (Д х Ш х В)

11100*2748*3360 мм

Рабочие характеристики

Мин. радиус поворота


Угол складывания рамы (влево и вправо)


Колёсная база


Транспортная скорость переднего хода



Производитель двигателя





Hangchi 6WG180

Тандемная тележка



Рабочий тормоз

Дисковый, с пневмогидравлическим приводом

Угол качания колёс вперед


Передний мост

Наклон колёс (влево / вправо)


Макс. угол качания


Поворот моста (влево / вправо)


Гидравлическая система

Тип контура

С обратной связью по нагрузке, PPPC


Макс. глубина резания


Макс. высота подъёма


Макс. сила резания


Заправочные ёмкости

Топливный бак


Моторное масло


Охлаждающая жидкость


Трансмиссионное масло


Привод поворотного круга, без муфты проскальзывания


Привод поворотного круга, с муфтой проскальзывания


Бак гидравлической системы


Задний мост (главный редуктор и тандем)


Дополнительное оборудование

Устанавливаемый по центру кирковщик / подготовка к его установке

Электрогидравлический фиксатор кулисы бокового смещения тяговой рамы

Передний противовес, 1000 кг

Гидропривод наклона отвала

Передний противовес, 500 кг

Кабина высокого профиля с ROPS-защитой

Механизм плавающего режима отвала

Передний отвал / подготовка к его установке

Cutting depth, ripper

  • Standard (Operating Weight): 15,070kg
  • Min. Turning Radius: 7.8m
  • Wheelbase: 6,140mm

  • Railway / Highway / Airport
  • Municipal Construction
  • Agriculture
  • Water Conservancy / Hydropower
  • Waste
  • Forestry

  • High Productivity:
    Load sensing hydraulic system provides consistent and precise blade movement
  • High Reliability:
    A-frame designed drawbar provides strength in all blade positions
  • Comfort:
    World Class industry control layout with low lever efforts for reduced operator fatigue


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